Hydrodilatation is a procedure that aims to improve the movement of your shoulder joint and reduce pain. Your shoulder has been injected with a local anesthetic which can take several hours to wear off. This is given to help with pain relief. Your Consultant has then injected your shoulder with a high volume solution made up of sterile saline, steroid, x-ray dye and anesthetic to help stretch the structures that are restricted around your shoulder and settle inflammation. It is a good idea to take regular pain relief afterwards to help reduce any discomfort.
End of Procedure and Aftercare
You will be asked to stay in the X-ray department for up to 30 minutes before you are discharged home. Most people will feel completely back to normal after 24 hours and should return to normal duties the next day. Do not do anything out of the ordinary for 24 hours for 12 hours after the procedure, under the effects of the local anesthetic have worn off. You should not drive immediately after the procedure. It is important you keep your pain under control with appropriate pain killers. You may need to review your pain relief with a Pharmacist, Nurse Practitioner or General Practitioner. You may require relief for a period after the procedure to enable you to perform the advised exercises.